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ROLAIR® OILTOOL16C Synthetic Blend All-Weather Air Tool Oil, 16 oz Bottle, Slight Hydrocarbon, Liquid, Amber

$ / BT
Made in the USA.
Location at Selected Store: Aisle 11 Section 3
ROLAIR® Air Tool Oil, Synthetic Blend All-Weather, 16 oz, Bottle, Liquid, Composition: Petroleum Distillates, Solvent Dewaxed, Heavy Paraffinic, Distillates, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Heavy Paraffinic, Amber, Slight Hydrocarbon, -17 to 49 deg C, 204/400 deg C Flash, 0.85 Specific Gravity
For use with water dispersant, low-pour additives, wear and anti-rust corrosion inhibitors