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Oatey® 31013 Low VOC Regular Body PVC Cement, 8 oz Container, Clear, For Use With PVC Pipe

MFG #:31013
$ / CAN
Made in the USA.
Hazardous Item - This item has shipping restrictions and must be picked up at your local store
This item cannot be shipped and must be picked up at your local store
Location at Selected Store: Aisle 21 Section 12
Oatey®, 31013, PVC Cement, Low VOC Regular Body, 8 oz Container, For Use With: PVC Pipe, Clear, Solvent Odor/Scent, Composition: Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Cyclohexanone, Furan, Tetrahydro, Acetone, Polyvinyl Chloride, 6 to 7 min Setting, 2 hr Curing, 40 to 110 deg F
  • Regular bodied clear cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 4 in for SSCH 40 and up to 2 in for SCH 80
  • Low VOC solvent cement meets California South Coast air quality Management District (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD method 40 and various environmental requirements
  • 250 psi (2 hr)/500 psi (16 hr)/900 psi (72 hr) lap shear strength
  • Minimum 90 cps at 73 deg F +/- 2 deg F viscosity
  • 6 to 7 min at 30 to 50 deg F/4 to 5 min at 50 to 70 deg F/1 to 3 min at 70 to 90 deg setting
  • Clear color provides a clean finish