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E-A-R™ 8052912086 Uncorded Earplugs, 33 dB Noise Reduction, Bell Shape, CSA Class AL, Disposable, Uncorded Design

MFG #:312-1261/ 7000029951
$ / BOX
Made in the USA.
Location at Selected Store: Aisle 2 Section 13
E-A-R™, 8052912086, Earplugs, Uncorded, Uncorded Design, 33 dB Noise Reduction, Bell Shape, Universal Size, Yellow Plug, Super Soft Polyurethane Foam Plug, Specifications Met: CSA Class AL, Disposable/Reusable: Disposable
  • Poly bag keeps each pair of earplugs clean before use
  • Bell shape allows easy insertion and removal
  • Test compatible with 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ validation system