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HILTI 3525400 High Performance Concrete Demolition Hammer, 1950 bpm

MFG #:3525400
$ / EACH
HILTI Concrete Demolition Hammer, High Performance, Bare Tool, TE-S Chuck, 1950 bpm Blows per Minute, 19 ft-lb Impact Energy, 5 m/sq-s Vibration Level, Standard Side Handle, 85 dBA Sound Level, 28 in L x 5.6 in W x 12 in H
  • OSHA 1926.1153 table 1 compliant when used with TE DRS-B and a HILTI vacuum cleaner
  • Powerful breaking performance thanks to exceptional impact energy and innovative HILTI polygon chisel design
  • Exceptionally low vibration thanks to HILTI's innovative sub-chassis AVR (active vibration reduction) system
  • Detachable supply cord for quick and easy replacement of damaged/broken supply cords
  • Maintenance free, brushless SR motor and triple-chamber lubrication systems for longer service intervals and tool lifetime
  • Demolishing concrete and masonry at floor level or below waist level
  • Renovating floors of all kinds
  • Removing tiles, bushing and compacting
  • Corrective chiseling such as adjustments to door and window openings