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Brady® M21-750-427 BMP®21 Self-Laminating Cartridge, Black on Translucent/White, B-427 Vinyl
MFG #:
$ / EACH
Brady® Cartridge Label, Self-Laminating, Series: BMP®21, Black on Translucent/White Legend/Background, B-427 Vinyl, For Use With: BMP®21 PLUS Portable Label Printer
- Item Features
- Attributes
- Abrasion, chemical, humidity, oil, smear, water and weather-resistant
- Matte finish
- 0.004 in THK
- Conformability, good clarity, self-extinguishing and self-laminating
- Excellent Adhesion - adheres well to surfaces that are smooth, rough or powder coated, and to irregular surfaces or surfaces with low surface energy
- Superior Protection - Outdoor durable, Alcohol resistant, Fuel
- Printable area is 0.375 in (9.53mm) and typically fits wires from 16 - 10 ga
- For material specific performance and properties, please refer to the Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
Brand: Brady®