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Windex® 00128 Glass Cleaner, 67.6 fl-oz Capped Bottle, Floral Odor/Scent, Blue, Liquid Form

MFG #:31600086
$ / BT
Made in the USA.
Location at Selected Store: Aisle 9 Section 9
Windex® Glass Cleaner, 67.6 fl-oz Container, Capped Bottle Container, Liquid Form, Blue, Floral Odor/Scent, 10.7 pH, Applicable Materials: Sealed Marble, Sealed Granite, Stainless Steel, Glass, Chrome Lead/Flint Glass, Plexiglas®, Lucite®, Tile, Plastic, Vinyl and Aluminum, 0.2% VOC
29 CFR 1910.1200