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MFG #:SC41101
$ / PKG

Location at Selected Store: Bandsaw Blades Section 1
OLSON® Saw Blade, General Purpose Pin End Regular Tooth Stamped, For Use With: Sears Craftsman®, Penn State, Delta®, Ryobi® and All 15 in/16 in Imported Scroll Saws, Specifications: 15 TPI, 3/16 in Pilot Hole, 5 in L x 0.1 in W x 0.018 in THK Dimensions
- Item Features
- Attributes
- Pin end scroll saw blades are for machines that require 5 in pin end blades
- Cuts wallboard, pressed wood, wood, felt, paper, bone and lead
Brand: OLSON®
5 in L x 0.1 in W x 0.018 in THK
15 TPI, 3/16 in Pilot Hole
General Purpose Pin End Regular Tooth Stamped