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Lift-All® Permaloc® 38IEEX8 Imported Wire Rope Sling, 3/8 in Dia Wire Rope, 8 ft L, 1.4 ton, Steel, Eye End Style

$ / EACH
Location at Selected Store: Aisle 5 Section 14
Lift-All® Permaloc® Wire Rope Sling, Imported, 3/8 in Wire Rope Dia, 8 ft Length, 1.4 ton Vertical Hitch, 1.1 ton Choker Hitch Capacity, 2.9 ton Basket Hitch Capacity, Steel, Eye
  • Construction/industrial grade 6X19 IWRC wire rope slings made in the U.S.A. from imported wire rope
  • 6 x 19 EIPS, IWRC for good abrasion resistance and value
  • Wire core for strength and crush resistance
  • TUFF-TAG™ shows OSHA required rated capacities for improved safety
  • Mechanically swaged, flemish eye splice provides reserve strength should the sleeve become damaged