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AlphaTec® 215026 19-938 Heavy Duty Chemical Resistant Gloves, SZ 10, Neoprene, Black, Fleece/Jersey Lining, 18 in L, Resists: Acid, Alcohol, Chemical, Caustic, Many Solvent, Oil, Puncture and Snag, Supported Support, Gauntlet Cuff, 83 mil THK

MFG #:15026/19-938
$ / PAIR
Made in the USA.
Location at Selected Store: Aisle 4 Section 16
AlphaTec®, 215026, Chemical Resistant Gloves, Heavy Duty, Series: 19-938, SZ 10 Size, Neoprene, Black, Rough Grip Style, Fleece/Jersey Lining, Gauntlet Cuff, Supported, 18 in Length, 83 mil Thickness, Resists: Acid, Alcohol, Chemical, Caustic, Many Solvent, Oil, Puncture and Snag
  • A flexible and durable glove that's useful for a wide-range of jobs including chemical protection
  • Soft knit cotton liner helps keep hands and fingers comfortable in hot or cold environments
  • Excellent grip for wet applications
  • Stays flexible in cold temperatures (down to a slow as -25 deg F, depending on contact time and conditions)
  • Premium quality protection against oils, acids, caustics and many solvents
  • Dipped rough finish for easier and safer handling of wet surfaces
  • Fabric lining improves snag ,cut, abrasion and puncture resistance